Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blanket Club, Pizza, and Babies!


Obviously I'm really excited. His name is Peyton Adam. I think that is such a cute name! I am working on a peace sign bib for him and then i'm going to do a rainbow marley hat from itty bitty knits because

Today is a good day, let me tell you!
So I had work blah blah, the twins lovedddddd City Mouse they kept asking "Who is he forrrr?" I was like..."me." they didn't like that answer very much. After work I had my class with Betty. I'm halfway done with the first slipper, we need to schedule the second class to learn how to shape the toe, etc. 
Then I went back to work and after work I came home to my package! :] And then i layed down for about an hour and during that time my Mama came home from spending the week at my aunts. She rotates between houses. I love having her home to watch soaps with! So She came home and Tucker was BARKING and it was so annoying so I barely slept but it still felt good. 

Then I had our blanket club meeting to choose yarn, and patterns. I hung out with Patty and April and Melissa in the parlor while everyone sat at the table knitting, I chose blue yarn that needs to be ordered so i worked on the bib for Peyton. I was having issues with it but Betty got me all sorted out so I will finish that tomorrow. Me and Melissa got pizza from Fiore's for dinner and it was really good. I was so hungry!!!

I'm deciding if I should visit Peyton or if I should visit ms. lev. I think ms. lev since I told her I would be in, I can always go see peyton and family before babysitting. Ok. so Melissa the shepherdess brought her wheel in tonight. So cool. I can't wait to learn to spin. She had knitted these awesome slouchy hats with the alpaca grande and I am so making some this weekend. I have the two balls one teal one robins egg blue. She said they knit up fast so if I don't finish my bib before I babysit tomorrow night I'll grab one to start. 
My lovely friend April has blankie tonight and tomorrow night. I may have issues sleeping people. Blankie is my favorite thing in the world. I love her more than knitting and hellokitty, pizza, and icecream AND ROB combined. yeah. she is everything. i'm so scared that she is going to not make it. But April is awesome and she knows how amazing blankie is to me so i know she'll do a great job. I'll get her back on Saturday. :] Tonight i'll have to sleep with Putty. My pink blanket. Bigger than blankie and named after these guys. (don't ask me why i was like 6)

Here is a picture of a slouchy hat I made, I started it like last week and got side tracked by better things but I finished it yesterday.

After Betty's the family met me at golden spoon!!! YUM! I got cotton candy this time. Half of it is in the freezer for a snack tomorrow lol!

   Here are katie's boobs showing their pride on her rearr view mirror!!!

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