Saturday, April 10, 2010


BLANKIE IS HOME!!! I'm so happy! I was having such a horrible night sleeping without her! April did an awesome job! You can barely tell, meaning you can't tell unless you knit/crochet. lol. I can't wait to fall asleep tonight!!

I didn't do much today, I made a marley hat from itty bitty hats, but opted not to add the curly topper. I liked it the way it was. I can't wait to give it to peyton. such a little cutie!! I met him yesterday and i loved holding him. babies are so awesome i love them. I gave him his bib yesterday but silly me forgot to take a picture! UGH! hopefully i'll get one soon with the bib on. 

These are my pictures from meeting Peyton with Dad and Jimmy.

I got some baby yarn to finish the marley hat, i was using stash and then i was like... I DON"T HAVE ANYMORE COOL COLORS! AHHH! so i got yellow green blue and violet. i only ended up using the blue and violet but i'm going to make another soon it was a really fun pattern. my dad wants one in a solid color lol. 

I watched degrassi tonight since i missed it from babysitting. dramarama! lol. its getting so weirdddd lately but i still like it. it's like the soap opera i actually understand since i've watched every episode. i try to watch soaps with mama but i'm always like who's that? why did they do that? I'm getting into it. 

i don't feel so hot. i didn't get my shot yet and my sinuses are dripping which is making my throat hurt :/ i took medicine i need to take the night stuff now.

btw i'm ALMOST done with the friday night knitting club! so excited!

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