Monday, April 12, 2010


Before I start on today- Yesterday I finished the hat for Anne Marie as well as making huge progress on my monster.

I made two monsters today. I started the first one last night and I stuffed it, sewed it, and needle felted it's face when i woke up. This one looks a lot like an ugly doll. But the pattern I used wasn't anything like that. It was KIKI from beroccu yarn and I didn't understand the pattern, I looked at the picture and just made it up as I went a long. I like mine better! :]

Then when I went babysitting I started a second version of a monster. This one is based on the character Domo. But he doesn't really look like him. I love them both though.

I went to the grocery store with the family and we got a ton of food. YUM. Jillian made the cookies when I was babysitting. Nestle :] NOM NOM NOM!

I finished The Friday Night Knitting Club today on the way home from the grocery store. It was really good but it was sad. I wasn't expecting that ending at all.

After the grocery store I went to the mall with my mom and we got pedicures. I chose the same color as the walls in my room. Can you tell?

We also went to Forever 21 and I got a ton of hair stuff. love their stuff. I also got a reusable shopping bag. I have an obsession with bags. :]

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