Thursday, March 11, 2010


I was too tired to blog but I had a lot that I wanted to talk about. Yesterday after I dropped the twins off at school I went to bayberry to volunteer it was so much fun. I did the register and I talked to the customers and helped them pick patterns and yarn. I ate lunch with Betty and helped her make her fliers for her sale. I got as far as I could on my combo hat luckily I have class tonight.

 My girl scout cookies came in BTW! <3

Me and rob went for a walk when I got to his house then we went to my house to eat and then went to the mall. We took out the cutesy Chihuahua I named her gigantor :) I put her in my hoodie pocket and she fell asleep. Whenever I would put her on the floor she would jump back on my and cuddle again. I wanted to take her home so I could bring her everywhere with me. She was such a lovey puppy. Too bad she was $1200 lol. Then we went home and watched man versus food and I fell asleep but I had to wake up to bring robbycakes home. My needle felt kit came in yesterday too I was so pumped! I can't wait to use it today!

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