Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Mom's bag is actually finished and I'm really proud of it. I did the whole thing start to finish today. I'm really excited about it. I definitely want to make a bunch and sell them on etsy. Me & Robbycakes were talking about it today and I am going to do a bunch of cellphone cases and he is going to felt them for me. Then I am going to make a bunch of bags as well. This lady came into Bayberry last week with felted soap and I definitely want to make a bunch of those. Once I teach myself I'm going to teach Rob and he can work on those while I knit. We are going to do this all over April vacation when I don't have work. I'm going to build my account up the week before and put some hats up. We decided to have a movie marathon DAY and see how many baby hats I can get done. Then I'm going to make organic baby toys. Some mice, some kitties, just cute stuff. 

I am pretty excited about getting my account up!!! 

Today at work I didn't do much I worked in the kids' binders and I was just tossing them on the table and they fell into a semi circle shape. And I was sitting in front of them working and these kids kept walking by going OHHHHHH AHHHHH and like "THAT'S SO COOL!" I was so confused, I didn't even know what they were talking about and then some girl came over and was like "I really like your design. It looks like half a circle." Lol. I was like... "um... thanks...?" ha ha!

Since I was using my sewing machine I thought it would be fun to make a softie from the book I have. I decided to make mrs. green tea. She isn't completely finished, I need to needle felt her face on, but her main body is finished. She's a little TOO green but I was just playing around. Once I get her down I'll mass produce them for etsy.

Tomorrow I'm going to make Dee a cupcake hat that she ordered. Pink frosting :] NOM! I really want a cupcake now! I've actually been craving an ice cream cone all night but no one will take me anywhere. :[

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