Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today was a nice day. I babysat and then worked and then I went to Friendly's with Lauren for lunch & ice cream. We went to Price Chopper and I saw Kevin from camp, it's nice seeing people you only see at one time in the year at another time. Then we went to petco. Animals = love. I really wanted to get a rat. I was in love. Lauren really wanted a gecko and then a turtle. The gecko was really awesome looking. The rats were too cute. They had small and large. I liked the colors of the small ones and the large ones were a really good size for me, but they were all white. I guess it fits the name I already chose. FLUFF. <3 I had Peanut & Butter already when I was MUCH younger. I'm talking elementary/middle school. I got Peanut in 4th grade for getting a B in math. I was so proud of myself. 

So after hanging out with Lauren I went back to work and typed some of the young author stories. Then I went home and I HAD A PACKAGE! My drop spindle came in! I'm so excited to learn to use it. The shepherdess that comes into Betty's is going to teach a class on it.

I had class at 6 so I needle felted Rob's hat (I'm not a fan of how it looks) I needle felted Mrs. Green Tea Bag and then I went off to class.

 I've been working on the cupcake hat through the course of the day. The nubbles take the longest! Ugh!!! It's coming along now though.

Class went great. I finished my hat! It looks nice I think. I wore it pretty slouchy because it's long but I like it.
 UPDATE: Before Private Practice ended, I finished the cupcake hat!


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