Thursday, March 4, 2010

When I grow up I want to be Susan B. Anderson!

Susan B. Anderson write the Itty Bitty book series.You can visit Susan's Blog. I want to buy all of her books! I follow her blog and she makes the most amazing stuff! I really wish I was good enough to make my own patterns. I can adapt patterns really well, like I did with the giraffe and panda hk. When I get older I hope I can be that good! I want to open my own store & teach classes to kids on how to knit toys! Ugh it would be living the dream.

So today I started my fieldwork at Betty's. So much fun. I got to answer the phone, then we felted Giraffe-y and he is drying there as I type. Then we just hung out and knit because she didn't know what Jim wanted me to do. Tomorrow I'll go pick up giraffe-y, I am thinking I should find time to stay there, I need to talk to Rob about it because I wanted to do the spots before I put it together. If Linda is there on my break I may stay but if not I'll just work on it Saturday. I can't wait until Aubrey sees it! I think I'll make the skirt tonight and her little bow. I think it'll use my left overs to make a striped bow and skirt. I'll have to dig through the stash in a bit.

So I've been working on Ashley's hat, it's going well. I have been doing my combination knitting on it as well. Linda was really proud of me when I told her about how well I was doing. :] It made me really happy! I love learning new things!
Off to work on Giraffe-y's clothes now!
That's Katie with her finished Hello Kitty Panda BTW. <3

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