Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today I've been kinda miserable all day. Bummer. I really dislike school, a lot. I wish I could go somewhere else because I don't feel as though I'm getting the knowledge that I pay $17,000 a year for. I really don't want to keep having to whine about it, I'd rather it just get fixed. Like, come on teachers! DO YOUR JOBS! Anyways, next week is spring break. So much for that, I have a TON of homework to get done.Too bad I won't be enjoying my vaca! Also, I think I'm allergic to the Ligouri building at school. Every time I walk in my nose runs and my eyes itch and i sneeze a bajillion times. It's like pre allergy shots all over again! Been there done that got the effin' t shirt.

Our teacher was AWOL for like a half hour so we popped in THE FAMILY STONE into the DVD player LOL love that movie!

I got a new subway lunch bag. LOVING the butterflies!

So I finished all the pieces for the giraffe! Except the bow and skirt. But I have to felt it which I might do tomorrow or Saturday. Betty said she'd help me. I GOT MY CONTRACT BTW! So I can start tomorrow! I'm pretty excited to learn everything about the knitting store business! And I can't wait to sit in on some classes! 

I worked on my combo/continental hat tonight during dev psych! I am getting pretty far on it. I may stop soon and save some for next week! Still not affecting my grades. This is the midterm!!! SO proud of me!

Katie loved her Panda HK. I ended up using a bigger sharpie and darkening it and then just using yarn for the white of her eyes. I don't think she looks like HK except for the bow. But, Katie loves her and that's all that matters! 

Tomorrow I am going to start my next project, I think I am going to make Ashley's hat. I am going to do a basic knit hat for her. Then I'm going to start Katie's boobies as soon as she gets the yarn so maybe Monday. And I need to get a bootie pattern for Baby Wheeler. :]

Tucker doing his bunny pose while we pet him.

Well can't wait for break! I wanna try to get my homework done friday so I can live it up this week though. I hope I can live through the pile and live tosee the other side!

 BTW I look like Hello Kitty today <3 THANK YOU WALMART HAIR CLIPS!

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