Friday, March 12, 2010

hectic, stressful, exhausting

Those are three words I would describe this day as.:/

I worked and I put all the young author books together and when I got back to work, I had to edit all of them because the kids changed stuff. So I changed all their stories, and THEN they all got deleted so I had to REEDIT them. Fabulous. At least I didn't have to suffer all morning in kindergarten. So when I actually left work I went STRAIGHT to Betty's to see the new baby sheep in their diapers... yeah... they left literally 3 minutes before I got there. FML.

So then I started a new hat blah blah blah then I babysat the boys and I'm exhausted now. I finished my hat while I babysat as well as The Unquiet Mind so I got some stuff done at least.

Tomorrow I am going to work on the penguin I think. Hopefully it won't take all day and I can give it to Anthony on Monday.

After I babysat I got a friendz from Robbycakes. Strawberry shortcake. minus the cake. add sprinkles. it was delish.

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