Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Time Saturday

I love the spring time. It feels so good outside. The heat is off in the house though so ATM I'm really cold. I might take a nap lol. 

So today, I went to Bayberry at 10am. I was originally supposed to work with Jim while Betty went to a retreat but she got someone to cover for her so I went in to help and learn more anyways.

I learned how to open, how to wind yarn on the swift, how to do a whole bunch of register stuff and I even got her change at the bank. I made a couple sales and I wound a ton of yarn. It was a fun day. I finished up the penguin, I just need to put him together. Which of course, I dread. But I have to do it either tonight or tomorrow because I want to give it to Anthony Monday.

I started another blue hat. I like the yarn from walmart it just baby yarn, but it's nice a soft. But it's really thin and splits. Poo. It'll look adorable though.

Kissy said Kaylee can model my stuff for etsy. Woo-hoo! I better get some more stuff done so I can get my model to show off my stuff! She's so photogenic, I've used her for pictures before!

I have a ton of homework due Monday. I really don't want to do any of it. Ugh. Tomorrow is going to be horrible. 

After I got home from bayberry, me and the fam went to The Playwright and had lunch/dinner. I had a chicken Caesar wrap thing. It was really good. It's a cool restaurant, it looks like a castle. I love it. And I took some picture of the other places near us.

Then on the way home Dad spotted a yarn store. So I went in, well, let me tell you, I will never go there again. It was SUCH a hot mess. Nothing had a price, at all. And the sale items looked like they had been returned and used. Ugh I was so disgusted. Everything was thrown everywhere. I was like... honestly? When I walked it I thought I was in a goodwill or something it was so messy. I dn't know how they make any money.

And now I'm home, working on my hat, maybe renting a movie or taking a nap, haven't decided yet.

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