Saturday, March 20, 2010


I didn't really feel like blogging yesterday. I was tired. So here is my run down of Friday then I'll post about today.

I worked, bleh. I finished up my pink multi color hat that I started before work. The twinnies helped me pick which color order it should be.  I hung out and ate lunch with Mama. Then I went for a bike ride before going BACK to work. After work I went to Bayberry.

Well, I bought 5 balls of yarn at Betty's. I bought two today. Below is my yarn that I bought this week at Bayberry's FABULOUS sale. Honestly I would have spent triple without the sale. Then again, I wouldn't have spent anything if it wasn't for the sale. I decided to stock up!

I helped Betty out some while I was at the shop and I ate some cookies. I was upset because the sheep had gone in Thursday and I missed it of course. :[ I always do.

On my way home I picked Mama and Jimmy up some lunch since the rents and Jillian were out. We had McDonalds. I'm not such a big fan but oh well. Then I stopped at Friendly's and Rob made me one of those heavenly friendz.

When I got home I was bored so I invited Lauren over. We had so much fun gossiping and talking about everything and watching videos about gorillas. HA.We're cool. During our hang out I worked on my blue multi color hat that I started at bayberry and finished it up. I like the pink one MUCH better.

Then I went to bed :] it was a pretty good day.

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