Thursday, March 18, 2010

More etsy

I made another hat for my etsy account, I'm up to 4 now. Me and rob picked up some stuff for it and I got baby blue yarn for more boy hats. I am going to make a multi colored pink hat and a blue one also. I also am going to make my little thank you notes and plan some more things. If you have any suggestions of things I can make a lot of to sell or that you'd like me to make you let me know via facebook or email or simply by commenting here :)

Robs grandma gave me some purple home spun yarn which I want to make her a little shawl out of.

Me and rob took Tucker for a walk today. It was horrible. Does anyone know any dog trainers for cheap? He just needs to learn to walk on a leash and not jump when ppl come inside. Ugh.

 We also went to the mall for lunch and puppy cuddle time.

I got a free shirt for buying something PINK at VS. I love free stuff. :]

I am exhausted work tmrw but no babysitting at night. :) going to bettys instead. Duh! <3

Nightie night!

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