Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Go Blue Knights!

Today was St. Patrick's Day, Jimmy's game day, & Knitter's Guild Meeting day.
So I went to class, we made our shirts in the middle of lecture. Fabulous.Then Katie came to lab with us and worked on her shirt! Then we got out of lab early and went to Cold Stone Creamery/Tim Horton's. So much deliciousness. Ashley & Lauren joined us but they didn't come to the game with us. So we were just J-I-M. :] It was sooo much fun! We all sat in our shirt order and everyone loved our shirts. A bunch of people took pictures too. Jimmy loved them of course. He calls me his "fan" now. ha ha! 

Nick loved Katie & me and Christina had some girl talk. Don't we look cute in our shirts!!!

I knitted up a baby boy hat this morning for my etsy account!
The baby girl hat was done during the meeting. More on that later.

So after the game I dropped Katie & Dee off at school and went to Bayberry. Then I got a salad across the street and then we went to the the meeting. It was really interesting, not my thing, but interesting. I enjoyed myself though. They had a weaver who owns her own shop. It was cool to see her do it but I don't like making scarfs so it's really not for me. I had some delicious cheesecake bites and I knitted up a baby girl hat. I finished it during the meeting. And all the ladies were excited about it lol. The ladies at the meeting really liked my bow on my hat and took some pictures of me. Ha ha.

Betty was having her sale this week! It was so cool! I got 5 balls of yarn & it only cost like 20ish bucks. 

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