Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm exhausted...

I am so tired. Today was such a busy day. babysit, then try to make my computer print my homework, then class, then a rush lunch at subway, then work, then super cuts to cut robs hair, then babysit again. And now I'm home and all I want it sleep. But no, the heat in my room just broke leaving me to try to sleep in a 59 degree basement or sleep on a couch. COOOOOOOOL! 

I didn't finish day 1 of the knitting. Boo me. I'm like 30 rows in and I've been working so hard. Oh well. It'll get done. I'm already sick of it. I wish I never started it. :/ I think I may can it and make a bunch of hats idk. Lets see how long it takes me to finish this square. Oh life. 

On the (semi) bright side, I got another project bag from my subway kid meal. I have two now. They are lunch bags really but not for my lunches, so they are now my little knitting bags! I got the sea turtle and the gorilla.

So Rob got his hair cut today, finally! But it looks so good. definitely worth the wait. I love it.


really need to get some rest and ponder this whole blanket situation. Sorry Baby Wheeler but it's you or my sanity.

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