Sunday, February 28, 2010


Today was one of those blah days. I went to visit Jenna & Lisa and gave them their fabulous matching hats! I missed Jenna so much she has come a long way since I saw her last. 

Then I went to lunch and AC Moore with my mom and Jillian. I picked up the yarn for the baby Wheeler blanket that will be started tomorrow. Letter A tomorrow. Let's see how quick it takes me to get sick of dishcloths. 

I have been working on Giraffe-y and I am running out of yarn. :/ I had a feeling this would happen. Last night I thought I frogged the head... but no. I frogged a stinking leg! They take forever!!! And I highly doubt I have enough to make another. I started it but I think I just need to put it down until Wednesday when I can get another ball. :/ I really wanted Aubrey to have it this week but I guess that can't happen. 

I took a nap when I got home and then ate some dinner & my left over Sunday from Friday. 

btw- some one buy me these:

Tomorrow I'll be babysitting after work & school & work again. I'm tired.
But here are my ravelympic medals!