Friday, March 26, 2010


well. I have been pretty busy, i actually only have 10 minutes to type this up before I go babysit. Ok. So. Monday: Me and Rob went on an adventure to the Danbury mall, all we got was ice cream lol. And it was Hella expensive. 

 I bought my glass mannequin head at pier 1! I love how my hats look on it!

Then we just hung around, I had class that day but no work. Class was horrible, probably failed a quiz like always. Honestly, my teacher needs to tell us what will ACTUALLY be on the test and not make us study pointless information. :/ So then tuesday I had work in the AM. I sewed up the penguin for Ant while at Twinnys' house

. It looks so cute! And he loved it! When I got to work Thursday he ran up to me with the best thank you card ever! I love it so much. 

 On Wednesday at school we made splints in lab it was actually REALLY fun. And it reminds me why I want to do this. hopefully I get there someday. Dee made mine and I made her autograph them! Me and Rob modelled them all night

. I don't remember what else we did, probably watched Man V. Food all night like usual lol. 


Also we were super silly with the arm bones :]

And yesterday, Thursday was busyyyy I had work, twice. During my break I made chocolate covered rice krispie treats shaped like eggs for Easter/ for Betty. Since she has Celiac Rice Krispie treats are the only thing I know she can eat! LOL. So I made a batch and brought them over after work. They were a hit. I definitely want to make another batch this weekend. Then after Bayberry, I picked up Rob and we went to tante mimi's play at her work! It was a Murder Mystery Dinner Party and it was so much fun. She did a fab job playing her character Gladys.

As for today, I'm exhausted lol, when aren't I, but I had work and stuff then I spent my break at Bettys. I wound some yarn with Jim and helped a lady pick out her yarn for a scarf. I also finished my blue purse for etsy. When I got home I wound the brown so I can start tonight. Also, congratualtions to me, all  the young author books are typed FINALLY! ugh I'm so sick of lugging my lappie around and trying to hide it while I go out after work. 

So now I must go babysit! I will add in the pictures later tonight! :] Also, Petunia Penguin is our "new student" at work now that one of ours moved  to Texas.

 I got a super cool pen today as well. :]

1 comment:

  1. Lol i love that pic of duder vs fooder. Also nice new banner
