Tuesday, March 16, 2010

dear summer, please come sooner

Today was such a gorgeous day!
I wish I spent more time outside! But I had a nice day. I went to work, and then Rob came over & we went to ACMoore for etsy supplies. I picked up 2 balls of Caron 1 pounders. Each ball will make 2 purses. Then I got orange for the penguin's beak and feet. I got 2 stamps for my thank yous for when ppl order stuff andddd i think that was it. So I wound the blue ball of yarn tonight. What a chore. I love my winder I would never have survived if I had to wind it by hand. Mama came home today <3 I missed her a whole lot. I got her subway and tried to OT her a lot. We got kids meals and now I have ALL! the lunch bags. The diamond one and the hot lava one was all I had left. GOT 'EM! So excited. the Subway girl probably thought I was nuts. No, correction, she did think I was nuts lol! So I found a really nice pattern for Lindsay's kindle! I really like it. I want to start it tomorrow but I think it needs to wait until Friday because it has cables and I need a refresher course. Today I made a baby girl hat for etsy. I can't wait until I have enough stuff to post! Me and Rob were going to buy a soap making kit but we decided to stick with store bought soap until we got really into our business. I would love to pay off my student loan with my etsy account. A lot of people actually can quit their jobs and just work on etsy. I really want to buy a mannequin head to model my hats. I feel like my hats don't look as cute when they aren't on a head. Ebay has some, but the shipping is outrageous. Whatever!!! So tomorrow is class all day, we are making our shirts for Jimmy's game and then going to the game. Can't wait. And after the game I'm going to the knitter's guild meeting with Betty. Love it! Hopefully everything goes as planned. Time to get some rest! I haven't napped allllll week. It's only Tuesday but usually I've napped already. I guess not working Monday counts. I wanna nap Thursday.

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