Sunday, March 7, 2010

Curiouser & curiouser

Today was a fun day! This morning I did a little homework and then I watched some TV and started Rob's Acura hat. Then I took Jillian, Erica, and Jimmy to Taco Bell. I made myself microwaved raviolis and sauce for lunch. just thinking about fast food makes my stomach churn lately. the raviolis actually came out really good! So I finished a longer scarf for Gia the Giraffe. Aubrey thought of the name I like it so much! I can't wait for her to have it! Me & Gia took some pictures today in her new scarf too. 

Then Uncle Phil came over with Heidi, Teige & Ty. They are sooo cute! the hats fit great and I took a million pictures! Here are some of the better ones.

 Right after they pulled out of the driveway Robbycakes pulled in! We made plans to see Alice in Wonderland. We hung out for a while and I worked on his hat and then we left. I worked on it all th way there and home and then I did another inch when we got home and VOILA! I want to hand felt it tomorrow so I can needle felt the acura symbol for him. But silly Robbycakes wore it home! lol. 

The movie was really good. i liked it. It was very different from what I thought. As we were leaving a couple and their two little daughters were leaving in front of us. The dad said "Did you like the movie?" And the little one who was probably 3 or 4 was like "I didn't!!!" and the parents asked why and she said "It wasn't cute!" It was probably the cutest thing ever. They were kinda young to see it in the first place, I didn't see any other kids there. 

I ordered my own needle felt kit online tonight. I also ordered a drop spindle kit as well. Both on Etsy. I really love etsy I want to make my own account!!!

I decided that there needs to be a better Giraffe pattern in the world. And my job... is to make it happen. My next adventure will be designing the pattern

Also! I was going to actually sew Mom's bag up today. REALLY I WAS! I only made it in December. I sewed all the edges on the fabric and then I was looking at the knitted part and I thought... no way. This is hideous! I dropped a stitch here and there and you really could tell. I found this pattern, it's called the tri color mini tote I'm going to do it in maroon like she originally chose. And us ethe same fabric to line it. I plan on doing that over the weekend.

As for this week, it's spring break. I have no plans really. I want to hang out with Lindsay and tomorrow night I'm going to hang out with Memere, me and Robbycakes are going to take Mama out sometime and I want to visit Lev sometime this week too! But, I also have work :/ pooooo! It really stinks that I still have to work but eh. Whatever.

More knitting to car analogies:
building your own car: spinning & dying your own yarn
owning a car dealership: owning sheep and making yarn from them.
fixing up cars: fixing your knitting up

I have more I just keep forgetting!

1 comment:

  1. Saw your FB the pics of the boys...I'll get you some good ones if you'd like to use them. Thanks for making those hats for my little dudes! Love your blog by the way. I have one too!!!
