Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gia IS DONE !!!

So today I went to Betty's with Robbycakes and I finished the giraffe! I needle felted her face & I added some rust color like her spots to the inside of her ears. I tried her skirt on when I got home, but the colors looked like poo! So i knitted her up a little scarf and a bow in a royal blue. I think she likes it. Wednesday I'll go back to Bayberry to help Jim put the new yarn on the shelves.FUN STUFF! I can't wait to see the new selection!

Rob took me there so I decided to buy black wool so I can start his acura hat.I'm going to lightly felt it so I can needle felt the acura symbol onto it

I also bought some nashua wooly stripes. in dark fushia blue. I bought this yarn before in another color but i haven't used it yet. i plan on making this hat i found the hat on ravelry and i think the colors in this yarn will give it a really cool effect. 

I gave Kaylee her HK today, I was going to save it until the baby was born but she didn't feel good she needed a new toy. lol. She was so cute she said "Thank you Emma" and we all laughed that she said Emma not Emi. Too cute. 

I got a new lunch bag at sub way today. its a velociraptor one. Rob really wanted me to get this one. And now I have it! LOL. 

We did a little "what house we'd want when we get married" hunting and that was fun! We were driving along and one of those deer crossing signs was there and Rob said all sarcastically "better watch out for some deer" and then OUT OF NOWHERE two deer skipped along across the road and into the woods. it was so amazing i was in shock lol. it was so cool! then they stood and stared at us. Silly Bambi!
I decided to start the penguin that Anthony asked me for. And I also want to work on Ashley's phone case for her birthday as well. Maybe I'll make one for Lauren too her birthday is this week too. I want to add cute little buttons and everything. Maybe I'll even felt them.

I really want to get a needle felting kit for myself. I think I'm really into it. I like that I can add the faces so easily as compared to trying to embroider them on which is such a pain. I found a kit online and I'm definitely going to order it. Soon, I think I want to start spinning as well... I'm going to look into getting our spinning wheel fixed and if not I may try drop spindling. I found a very inexpensive one on etsy that came with some roving from her personal alpacas. Pretty awesome. You can dye it probably too. I definitely want to learn all the aspects of knitting so in the way future when I open my shop I can have a multitude of classes and things to offer my customers. and of course, its fun to learn new things that you can make and love.

At Bettys the puppies were back! I was so excited! Last time I saw the puppies they were only a week or two old and they were so precious! So tiny! now they are like real puppies! the brindle one turned out brown and fluffy. and the black girl is just black and fluffy. I wished they were awake so I could hold one but it was cute to see them again. Jen is keeping the brown one so hopefully I'll continue to see how big he gets!

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