Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yarn Addict Alert

I just got back from Betty's with the following: cascade soft spun in purple jewel, boku color 13, encore tweed in a gray with brown/black/white specks, and nashua wooly stripes in jungle green. I also paid for my class and Tante Mimi's and I bought Knitted and Felted Toys by Zoe Halstead. I can't wait to get started on everything. I can't start my mittens until tomorrow night during the olympics so tonight I'm going to make an owlie. Then once the owlie is done I'm going to make 2 baby hearts. One for my robby and one to send to Mrs. Bailey along with her valentine. :] Then I have to get a start on all these things people want made! I'm going to try to squish everything in before the end of the month so I can focus soley on the blanket during March. Also, Betty is going to find someone to fix Blankie for me!!! I'm so excited. She's had a big rip in her for years and I never knew what to do about it. But since I don't crochet I brought it to Betty today (I even washed her before we went) and Betty said she'll find someone. I don't want to part with her even for one night but Robby said either we can have a sleepover or I can borrow his baby blanket that he doesn't sleep with anymore. I think I can do it. I have to be brave! i got my haircut this afternoon too. after i fixed it i started to like it but before i just didn't like it. i felt like an old person. :/ but now it'd looking a lot better. I straightened my bangs and put a clip in.

i finished an owlet tonight <3 Can't wait to make a ton more.
I finished a baby heart too <3 I ended up making 2more the next day!!!

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