Saturday, February 27, 2010


IKEA was so much fun! I had a little convincing to do to get Rob to take the turk all the way there. But we did it! No GPS just paper directions via mapquest. And guess who didn't get lost for the first time in forever??? US!!! <3 I love IKEA it's the best! I love the little rooms & everything. I wish I could live there. After IKEA we went to Subway & then rented Shrek. I love Shrek and Rob never saw any of them so we watched the first one. Next weekend we'll watch the others. :] So when we got home we put the shelf together. It took a little while and a lot of energy & strength but we did it! 

 After putting it all together I was itching to fill it up with some lovely fibers. All of which I hope to use up this year. I'm so sick of looking at some of the red heart yarn! Someone give me a project to do with off-white yarn! I have so much! And I have a ton of light purple, orange-ish pink and light pink. ROAR! Mission for the year: Not have any of the yarn I started the year with by the end of the year. :] So after filling up the shelves with yarn & my books it's now complete!
How beautiful does it look!?!?!
I am so excited with it and I can't wait to start all my projects I have lined up. I got a little bit more of the Giraffe-y done. I made a leg or arm not sure which and I started his head. I have done his head 3 times already and I wasn't a fan of how it looked so I kept redoing it! Now I think I finally got it going right. I HOPE SO! 

Me & Rob were talking about when we get our own house and he said I can have a craft room and I can't stop thinking about it now I'm so excited lol. It is going to be the mother of all craft rooms and my stash will make yarn store ashamed of themselves lol!

I worked on my combination knitting today! I got a couple rows done on my hat and I was practicing on my giraffe as well. I really am a fan of it! I am finally getting into my muscle memory I'm pretty excited!!!
 What do you think? I really am enjoying the color as well! I'm pretty sure it's Vanna's Choice in Dusty Blue. I can't find the tag but I usually buy Vanna yarn if I don't buy my yarn at Bayberry. 

I am going to finish my Giraffe hopefully tomorrow. I'm going to visit Jenna and Lisa tomorrow around noon and give them their matching hats! I hope they like them. I'll try to remember to take some pictures!  And then I have to work on Giraffe-y until Rob gets home from work and stuff.  Because it's almost March and March is dedicated to making the blanket for baby wheeler. I want to make 1 square each day. This week is A-E. I am giving myself 5 days to complete them. If I get more done then I can work on my other project like Katie's panda/hello kitty and her boobs, and ashley's stuff too. Once the blanket is done I'm going to work on Aubrey's mermaid and I really can't wait. I've never done anything like it before. It's going to be adorable! With bright red hair just like hers. I can't wait to use the glitter yarn on her fins! 

Me and Tucker are tired now he already fell asleep where I would like to put my feet in the near future. He tends to use up the whole bed. I can't get him to sleep next to me instead though! NIGHT!

(when I aimed the camera at him he opened his eyes; so cute!)


  1. I LOVE that picture of tucker!

    Also, we only made it to ikea alive because i'm a pro driver. :D

  2. Isn't he adorable when he sleeps? lol. & you are so pro. Especially when leaving parking lots ;] and you even backed the turk into that spot!!

  3. yeah i know, i was a little worried about backing it in since i'm not good at back parking and the truck has a big ass, but it wasn't bad.

    grood times, it wasnt that hard to get there we should go back sometime
