Friday, February 26, 2010


I've been working on Giraffe-y today. I think I'm going to make it a girl! I'm going to make a cute little bow on her head and a little skirt maybe. I finished the main body and both arms. Now I have the head, muzzle,ears, and legs left. Then tomorrow I'll wake up early to run it down to Betty's and hopefully she'll let me felt it there. Then hopefully if the weather is OK me and Rob are going to do our IKEA adventure. :] I'm trying not to get my hopes up though because every time I do it fails.

I didn't have to work this afternoon, early dismissal, even though it wasn't even bad out. Oh well. So that means I didn't babysit because I thought it would be bad tonight.
I took a nap this afternoon and then Daddy took me & Jimmy to Slider's and then we got sundae's via Robbycakes.

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