Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ravelympics :]

I am doing so good with my ravelympic projects! I knit up a hat for Tante Lise today. Lindsay just needs to make me a flower to attach. I love how it came out. I doubled up the yarn to make it warmer but I think it also made it tighter. The whole time I thought it would be too big and then at the end I was like... will this be too small? I think it's fine for me. I may need to block it to stretch it a little. Is that possible? So I finished that up during Dev. Psych. (But don't worry, I got a 95 on our quiz so it's obviously not affecting my grades in the least)

Then I had two hours left of class and I was empty handed! So I knit Dee a little arm band. It was supposed to be a wrist band but I just quickly judged it. It was a nice day. I had class at 10 until 3 then I went to Slider's for lunch with Lauren, Ashley, and Dee. We saw my dad and Jimmy too. Then we got some DQ and they complained about the acidic chocolate ice cream. Then we had class yet again. Until 9. So now I'm home, exhausted, but not tired enough to fall asleep. The only downfall of my day was not seeing Robby at all. I missed him immensely. Tomorrow I am going to work on Pepere's beret and spend the day with my love. :] I also want to try to get my cancer ribbons done since I didn't have the right colors handy yesterday.

My to knit list keeps growing the more people see me making them for other people! It's crazy! Anne Marie loved her slouchy hat I made her and she even sent me a subway card via snail mail! It was such a nice thing to make my day better! :]

Tomorrow I'll go to Betty's talk to her about field work, grab some hot pink yarn and spend my day with Robby and taking pictures about my day to share. I'm really into taking pictures but I never think of ideas until I see someone else do it. I really want to take some snow pictures tomorrow. That would be fun. :]

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