Thursday, February 25, 2010

combination knitting here i come

so who wants to give me a gold star for catching on to combination knitting so quickly? i really enjoy it! it's cool. i can't wait until I'm as fast as Linda so I can cut down on my hat making time LOL! We're making a hat right now. It's very cute. Tante Mimi seemed to enjoy the class. She got some bamboo needles because the ones i let her borrow weren't the best quality. I never used them before so I wouldn't know. but, I picked up the yarn for Aubrey's giraffe. Going to start that tomorrow sometime. I only have one arms and the face to do on my Hello Kitty.I should get on that I guess.

I cleaned my room a ton today, it looks awesome. I'm pretty proud of myself. I even did my midterm that is due tonight this afternoon before work. I went to the Dr. after work and then I came home and worked on HK and then Tante Mimi came over early and I ate dinner. Then after class we got DQ with Danny and Phil.YUM!

Class was awesome. Linda is a really good teacher. She knits so fast its ridiculous! I wish I was that good! I really hope I catch on to this style even more so I can be super amazing at knitting. Betty had me show her how good i was and I was really pleased with myself. This is the website we were given for extra help:

When I was searching for giraffe colored yarn Betty helped me think of ideas for the spots, we are going to needle felt it after I felt the giraffe. I don't know how to needle felt so either her or Linda will help me. it's pretty exciting! I have no idea how to make the spots in my knitting so needle felting sounded like a good idea to me!

btw my name was on the hathalfpipe ravelymics page! i made 4 hats (so far)


  1. you'll be a pro knitter someday. I have faith in you! Lets have a competition. We'll have a race, I'll become a pro racing driver, and you become a pro knitter whoever gets their goals first WINS. READY GO!
