Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday oh Wednesday

Wednesdays are nuts. I woke up to baby sit and then came home to get ready for class. We only had a midterm, which I bombed and then I came hone to rearrange my room. I live how it came out. It looks so much bigger now. I just need my shelf lol. Rob came over and we hung out until our 6pm class. Claire made delish nachos for din din. Then I had my psych midterm. And we hung out some more. I rly missed him this week. This semester rly prevents us from being together. :( I started working on a hello kitty for Kaylee. I did the body now I have the arms ears and face to do. I think I'll finish moms bag over the weekend for wips dancings on ravelry. I might enter the frogging one too for my beaded hat. Tomorrow is my continental class at bayberry! so excited! I have to pick up orange yarn as well for the giraffe :) can't wait to see how he comes out it'll be my first felted project! :) well I am utterly exhausted and Thursdays are always the worst! Farewell!

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