Saturday, June 8, 2013

FO Friday

Dahlia was sick with Croup and Thrush this week so I didn't have much time to knit or really do anything.  My poor girl was in need of her mommy and a lot of cuddles. I did however make this mini monster while she was napping a lot. It took way longer than usual I don't know why but oh well. She's feeling much better now though.

And I also did finish my socks! FINALLY! I love how they came out they fit great for the most part but next time I'm using Susan B. Anderson's sock directions since I referenced them a lot and I found them much easier to follow.

1 comment:

  1. GReat socks! They're flashy fun. Aw, that pic of Dahlia looked like she was so miserable. I hate germs. I always wonder where the hell do these crazy ones come from that affect my daughters.
