Wednesday, September 8, 2010


i have been slamming out orders lately. i just dropped off one today, one yesterday and one tomorrow i will do. i gave katie her birthday present from my mochimochi book. i made her the neck nuzzler without the neck lol. its just a big eared adorable bunny now!

also i started a large perry the platyus for kaila's son kegan.

i started squarey a pattern i found on ravelry. its from a book that i don't have but its really just a square so i am winging it. shouldn't be hard. mindless knitting.

i got an order for a snowman hat and an upside down daisy.
i also got an order from dee for a mohawk hat. i found a great pattern.
and a slouchy hat for lauren from class.

i finished the boy hat for uncle phil's order

i also made my new logo! and i ironed it onto this bag. it didn't iron on good. i have horrible luck with iron ons i need a new technique. maybe i'll draw it on next time! anyways i love it i made up some new business cards and everything. i think i want to make her fur darker cause it looks gray but they are just temporary until i order them online. :]

tonight i had my first graded speech in public speaking. i did it on my knitting and i used a power point. i got an a+ i was so excited! my teacher knows betty! small world!!

this is my new favorite picture of me and purl:

jimmy finished his first hat! i'm so proud of him! he looks like hes crying cause he was lol. purl jumped on his back and it scared the ba-jeezus out of him. so he was a little upset. but his hat looks great! he already started a beige one with chunky yarn. he wants to sell his hats now too. he made an order sheet and everything. so let me know if you want a jimmy original. lol.

anywayssss dee and katie came over today and we went to happy hour for wings at sliders then me & dee went to class. i'm so glad we're hanging out more this semester.

and the other day me and lauren went to sonic! that was so much fun!


  1. WOW business is really taking off!! I'm so happy for you :) I love your stuff can't wait for Emma to show it all off!

  2. Thanks so much Tania! I'm so excited about it! And i can't wait to see emma all decked out!
