Sunday, September 5, 2010

happy birthday keegan!

yesterday was my friend danielle's son keegan's birthday & and today was his first birthday party.
this is him a year ago.

and these are some pictures from the party.

i made him this hat this morning.

i finished a hat at the party too. also started this am. i taught myself how to do intarsia to make the heart! i'm so suer duper proud of myself!! now i can get started on my aunt&uncles blanket! 

today i went to viva la vintage down the street from me, my dad told her how i knit and she asked me to bring in my stuff! she is going to put it on consignment this winter! how exciting is that!!!???

i have been working on this surprise birthday present for katie all night: (taken with jimmys cell lol)

i can't wait until its finally done! i got too tired to finish it tonight. i'll finish it tomorrow morning.

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