Monday, September 27, 2010

orders orders orders!

ok so this weekend was a blast. friday lauren came over & we watched Made of Honor. then Saturday we went over to James' house and hung out. it was so much fun. we're super silly kids.

i worked up the antelope hat from my ravelry queue. it came out really nice. i used my baby alpaca glow in green. it has gold shimmer. love it. i have enough for some wrist warmers or something as well.

i also knit up a brown bear hat over the weekend.

today i knit up a couple things. i worked up a pom pom hat which i didn't put the pom poms on yet so i didn't take a picture. but it looks like my dream catcher hat but bigger. :]

i also knit most of the beret for joan but i ran out of yarn. i'll get more wednesday.

after that i knit a hampster for Gillian one of Jillian's friends lol. its so cute. i used some random yarn i had in my oddball basket. its brown with hints of all different colors. and it has some mohair so its a little fluffy. so cute.

so not much more going on. got a ton of orders to do this week. i'm doing ONLY orders this week trying to get as many done as i can. tomorrow i'm going to work on some baby hats. two of them have puppy ears!!

i can't wait to finished everything! :]

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