Thursday, September 30, 2010


I got so many hats done this week!

I have been working on this hat FOREVER! i finally finished it though!

Then i made these puppy hats for Kristi

Then I made this beret for Joan

Then i finished this for me

Then i made this for Peyton

and here is chelsea's hat without the pom poms.

i made this today: it's for my kfuck <3 i'm making one for me to bring to maine too!

i figured i got so much done yesterday i could slack a little today. i slept until 11 (minus babysitting) then did some chores and hung out with james. i think i have a cold but i can't tell if it's just allergies lol. so we just chilled.

i made myself so microwaved raviolis and purl found the leftover sauce. i guess it was good!

last night i was playing with petey & my webcam it was a silly time. he gives kisses SOMETIMES.

 i went to the mall with matt before grey's anatomy was on & he bought me angels and demons. if you've read it let me know how it is. i can't wait to get started!

tomorrow i'm taking mama to sonic :] then i'm going to see the social network with james.
i'll work on some more orders tomorrow so i have something to blog about!

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