Sunday, September 19, 2010

where has this week gone!

ugh this week went by way too fast & way too slow all at once.
I was sick the whole week with a stomach thing so not much knitting got done. but i do have some stuff to show.

i finished perry the platypus finally. i made him 3 times. third times a charm i guess. he's a little chubby though so i think i'm going to give kaila my prototype and give jimmy this ridiculous looking one because my prototype is so much better. lol.

i also finished the main part of the snowman & the upside down daisy, i'll do the finishing touches today.

this week i went on a couple fun outings while being sick which probably didn't help the sick go away.
i went with james to the abandoned high ways which was so awesome. it feels amazing to stand above the cars and watch them fly under you without even knowing you're there. some people did see us and waved lol it was cool. there was a ton of graffitti which i love so i took a lot of pictures of that.
the other day i went to see Easy A with james and it was SOOO funny. i really liked it. i love just randomly deciding to go places haha it's so great.

last night i went to james' house for dinner with lauren and then we went to illusions for danielle's birthday! we had fun, we played pool (me and lauren won) and then we went back to my house and listened to music.

i also got my scholarship on monday. i don't have many pictures of that except my dessert lol! but i did work on my other friend lauren's bumblebee-esque hat and she loved it! i forgot to take a picture so i will force her to take one for me!

friday night i went over to the malinowski casa. and we had rice & korean bacon. i love the purple rice its so delish. we also had watermelon cut up so cool for dessert!

the other day in public speaking, i got a candy bar from the vending machine...and TWO came out! HOORAY!
i'll have a lot more to post this week. i have a bunch of fun orders to make and i am so excited for them!

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