Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's been so long!

Happy New Year!
So much has happened since the last time I posted. I'll try to remember as much as I can.
The most important things are these:

Well firstly, my baby girl purl died very unexpectedly a while back. it was really hard on me but I'm doing much better.

I think it's been much easier to handle since I'M PREGNANT! I'm 4 months and it's going good i've just been really tired and lazy. but I've been reading a lot to make up for my lack of enthusiasm. i knew it when i was craving stuff like this:

this is baby gabes from a couple weeks ago

I took a break from my internship since i wasn't feeling good and i'm going to finish up after the baby and graduate then. it's a good plan for all. i'm finally moved in with mike and i like living here. it's fun and i'm still unpacking and we need some furniture but its coming together. 
(see! hot mess)

I haven't been knitting much lately because I was so sick but now i'm starting to hop back on the horse and keep going. 

I've knitted a couple things and some aren't completely done.

The most recent is my Jerry the monkey

I also made a mortimer dog

a little orange hat

and a daphne/delilah

also more big news is that I'm engaged! This was coming before the baby and i'm excited to have a post baby wedding. 

my best friend lauren turned 21! and mikey turns 21 TODAY! so exciting!

i've been trying to bake more. i made some reindeer cookies from pinterest for our christmas party and i got a cake ball maker for christmas from my parents. they both came our really good. jimmy helped me with the cookies.

that was so much but i plan to start posting at least weekly again. have a great day! going to spend the day with the birthday boy <3

1 comment:

  1. Ho'omaika'i Emilene on expecting and on getting engaged! Glad you're no longer sick and can move around happily more. I'm so happy that you have such support and love from your fiancé.
    Great that you got some knitting in! That Mortimer dog is adorable.
