Thursday, November 3, 2011

I know I know...

I've been just too busy. But i promised I would post before I started my second internship and update you. Well, here goes-

First lets see what knitting I've gotten done:
 Over the weekend we had a HUGE snow storm. A blackout snow storm. We haven't had work/school all week!!! I started these dishclothes because I went to mike's thursday night and didn't check my needle stash and grabbed a bunch of yarn. just my luck so I went to the yarn shop up in torrington to grab some size 7s to work on these. easiest dishclothes ever. so mindless and not too boring.
 This monkey I made for my nephew keegan who turned TWO last month. I can't believe it. he talks SO much now its pretty awesome to have a conversation with him. And he loves his monkey and his auntie that made it. I let him pick the colors and everything.
 This is harriet. I'm in love with her. I knit her out of Susan Anderson's hand spun yarn that I won and It was so amazing to not only knit with hand spun yarn but to knit with hand spun yarn that your knitting idol made. Pretty amazing!!! But harriet came out splendid and I love her eyes which i got from 6060eyes on etsy. she's amazing as well. check her out.
 This is a baby monkey i made for my moms friend at work. i knit my mom her pig and her friend a pencil so this coworker felt left out. i made the pattern up basing it off the jerry monkey pattern by rebecca danger as well as the skills i learned from knitting mochi mochi
 I knitted this beer cozy for my friend eric. those beer bottles are going to be mighty cold in this october blizzard.
 And this is my masterpeice. mike's fire fighter monkey. i found the outfit at the dollar store and had to get it. then i sized it on the monkey i made my grandma and made this one for mike. i love how it came out. i didn't ive him a tail because there was no hole but he is awesome just the same. i'm glad mike loves him.
 This is coco monster from the big book of knitted monsters. shes small out of my hand dyed yarn and i decided to give her three eyes. i think shes cute. i haven't gotten around to a mouth but i think i like her without it.
This is gabby from the same book in the same yarn (and i still have a teeny bit left!) i like her without a mouth too. they are both a little odd but cute at the same time.

So my first internship is done. I passed and that means I'm halfway through the last semester to graduate! I can't wait until December. I've not done much knitting but I try. I'm currently making a dog for my friend destinee, a blanket for the movie theater which sheds everywhere, and a cupcake hat for a friend who's expecting a baby soon. some knits go faster than others. i've also been hooked on the sookie stackhouse book series which held my knitting off for a while. i have to start the next book immediatly i'm kind of addicted. but i decided i have to get everything done so i read a chapter do something else then read another chapter, etc. because i was doing nothing hahah. purl is great she loves going to our second home on weekends. she has a new carry case which she loves and i've been keeping her toasty warm during the power outage. we have our power now though and its been great. i'm glad to be able to sleep in my own bed and be warm. well hopefully i'll have time to write more soon but if not i'll talk to you in december!!

This Saturday Nov. 5&6 at St. Anne Church in Waterbury CT I am doing a christmas Bazaar and selling a bunch of my stuff!!! Including the monsters shown here and the dishcloths! Email me for more info! Hope to see you there!

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