Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WIP Wednesday 8-10-11

This is Harriet the hippo. I'm hoping to finish her tonight. Shes one of the newest patterns by Rebecca Danger.  I'm currently working on her mouth :]

 These are some pretty adorable leg warmers. I'm loving them. I'm doing them flat because its just easier than using my 8" circs. But I love the color scheme a lot and i don't know why lol
and this is Chloe only her body is done because when I started her I had run out of stuffing. But I got some now so by monday she'll be done
That's all I have this week but they'll be done by monday :]


  1. Lookin' awesome! Love the striping for the hippo. Love how you're using something other than toast for Chloe's body.
