Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take a Picture Thursday & charity knitting

 ^ This is my stash. It's slowly diminishing :] I can't wait to go on my end of the stash yarn spree
 ^ This is the yarn I would up today
^ This is my yarn for charity knitting
- a word about my charity knitting, i was going to make hats for kids with cancer but today i drove by carolyns place, a home for expecting mothers with no support and need help in many ways. they have eductaional services and classes they offer maternity clothes, pregnancy tests. its a really great place. when i was in middle school my girl scout troop made blankets. i was thinking i could make toys and hats for the babies. i also was thinking about collecting things for newborns like diapers, formula, maternity or baby clothes, anything anyone had already that they didn't need anymore thats in good condition for the girls there to use. i'm going to be working on my charity stuff until christmas so if you have anything to help or want to donate some hats and things email me at


  1. I like your noble heart. Love how you have a dark bookcase to offset your yarn and that great basket.

  2. Bring your yarn for charity over one night ... you knit and I'll crochet. We can make a bunch together if you wish! :)
