Tuesday, June 7, 2011

ten on tuesdays

I've seen a couple blogs do this and i thought it was a great idea. i need to start blogging more so hopefully this will help. i'm going to do wip wednesday tomorrow and fo friday this week as well. i really need to start showing you what i've been up to!

ok so ten on tuesday: this week is ten things i want to make before summer is over:
jackalope: i'm going to make this for big brother mat so it needs to be done before he comes to visit
grass: its a pillow shaped like grass basically and so cute! i have flowers on my wall and a knitted cloud above them so a couple grass pillow will make my bed look like a garden
cush pillow case: isn't this just so pretty? i would love to make this in purple
jerry the monkey: someone on ravelry sent me some brown yarn to go with my off white and i'm going to make jerry :]
crocheted baby hat. i really want to learn how to quickly crochet some hats for my kids with cancer project. this way i can make a bunch of basic hats and add cute things to them like ears, bows, and flowers.
french press slippers. i've been dying to make these for a while now. i bought the pattern and everything but i went to make them and i don't have the right size needle so i have to order it.
hippo: i love hippos. love love love. and i love how susan anderson made this hippo so darn cute!
first step baby booties: i love these and i would love to whip a couple pairs up for last minute shower gifts
hello kitty pants. yup my niece is going to be obsessed just like her auntie. she's definitely getting these.
brimmed hat: her mom and mat are def getting this hat as soon as i can figure out how to do it. it looks easy but in my head it doesn't make sense.

well that was my ten on tuesday. next week i will do my ten favorite projects i've already made. :]

1 comment:

  1. What great projects you are striving to knit up! I love those Hello Kitty pants also. The brimmed hat rocks. Love the big feet and hands on the monkey as they make it so cute and cuddly.
