Wednesday, January 19, 2011

toys toys toys

 my new tattoo
 hat & fingerless mitts for maddy
 omg this is so much fun /sarcasm
 almost done with the outline
 katies outline
 katie done
 ahhhh outline is done
 ahhh its almost doneeeee
 cluck cluck cluckk
 gobble gobble
 ester the elephant pattern: dangercrafts
 pigggggie! <3
bunny pattern danger crafts

sack boy & i. i love my blue eyes here
so i've been on a toy roll lately.
i made a pig, sackboy, an elephant, a bunny, and a chicken all this weekend! this is going to be a god semester.

i have a bunch of new patterns from danger crafts that i want to make and i can't wait to do them over the weekend. i also have a hat i want to make too. have to buy the needle for it tomorrow though.

i got my new tattoo tonight. love it so much. it hurt like a biotch but its so worth the pain. i really wanna just go to bed right now it is just rly sore. it took and hour and a half but i'm glad i got it with katie <3 us hellokitty freaks i love my girlfriend.

in my new room purl can have a fun time running around if i cover up the doors. she loves it, climbing in my shoes and my purse. but don't worry: shes potty trained to only go in her cage THANK GOODNESS!

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