Tuesday, August 31, 2010

snowman & pumpkin head

i totally LOVE how the snowman came out. it was fun to make. now that i know how to do it i can form it into any size or yarn i want. i love that i can do that now. :]

yesterday purl had green beans. she stole the jar right out of my hand ha ha!

today was my first day watching the twinnies again. we had fun walking to school and talking about summer. i missed them so much! school was good yesterday too! i enjoyed my classes and i got most of the snowman done during the first dya lectures that every teacher gives. well time to get some stuff done around here.

edit: and by get stuff done i mean the following:
vacuum rugs- check
dishes- check
eat popcorn- check
make jello- check
allergy shot- check
take out trash- check
watch trashy day time television- check
make a pumpkin hat- check
i think i did a pretty good job. i used jimmy's artwork as a backdrop. i did tweak the pattern and used 2 strands and bigger needles to make it go faster. but i used less stitches so its still child size. :] i love it.

i did a lot today don't you think? i need to clean purls cage but i wanna get new bedding. any suggestions? everyone i've gotten so far i didn't like. the newest one is little itty bitty pieces so she throws them and i have to vacuum around her cage everyday. thats why i bought a dirt devil lol.

i have class in an hour so i better go get ready.i'm going to start the upside down daisy hat tonight.
tomorrow i am going to make a mystery toy for lyn for thinking of the new blog name. had to get all my samples in to bring to the dentist first. hopefully i will drop everything off at the end of this week.

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