Sunday, August 15, 2010


so yesterday while jimmy was at respite which is like a weekend to give my parents some time alone we went to NYC. it was fun!

once i got in the car i immediatly casted on for rob's earflap hat in black. he liked mine so i knew he'd want one in his favorite color. i finished it before we even parked!

we went to the sanrio store which is so cool but everything is so expensive it's kind of ridiculous.

we ate at this really poopy restaurant jehkl and hyde. its supposed to be like rainforest cafe but with a haunted/creep theme. they said things on the wall came to life. they lied. they also played obnoxious ricky martin and britney spears VERY loudly. not so spooky. and there was a really loud actress dressed as a maid and she was super annoying lol.

anyways. i found the purl store and i fell in love. it was just like susan talked about it in her blog. the selection was amazing for such a small store. i bought 2 skeins of yarn. a ball of lornas lace in the crazy rainbow color. and a ball of blue sky alpaca in the gorgeous green with yellows and white.

 we went all the way to the lion brand studio and i was heart broken to find out they are closed on saturdays. :[ but their window display is AMAZING! omg. it was a whole carnival with people and a ferris wheel! there was also an elephant and a seagull! where can i get this pattern!??

they also had some knitgraffiti all in that area. so awesome to see it IRL. i am so doing this someday.

we also found waverly place! like on wizards of waverly place. the disney channel show. i was pretty pumped about that.

we went to this crazy store called fat rat bastard. it was so cool inside. it was like a town and each "store" was a different style of clothes. it was so neat!

at the pink store after shooting this pic i got yelled at for using my camera. well don't have such an amazing store if you can't take pictures. we also got the same thing from a costume store. well whats the point of trying stuff on then lol.

we got home around midnight. on the way homei started this surprise gift for rob and i fell asleep at this point:

 in the car i started this little bird. i finished the body at dinner and i did the face & wings this am. pretty cute isn't it?

i slept until noon and woke up to do elijah's other arm. very tedious to do his arms.

his ears are giving me trouble so i'm going to work on other things until bayberry opens up wednesday.

i got another order :] ms. lev my favorite teach ever wants a misknit & a memory scarf so i have that to do as well. so exciting to be getting orders.

in other news: my friend keri has agreed to help me make a logo because she's such a good artist and i am going to make her a toy! i'm so excited about this. 

going to pick up jimmy now! i missed him so much!!

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