Tuesday, August 10, 2010

mousey & scarfy

last night i decided to go to bed early. then i wasn't tired. so i woke up and started to knit a scarf out of a bunch of little balls of leftover yarn. i gathered a whole project bag full of balls waiting to serve a purpose. i think they were pretty happy about it.

tucker watched while laying on mom's carpet. its a little dark there isn't much light over there.

so i got to work on it. this is how far i got before i decided i needed sleep.

i woke up to bring jimmy to camp today. came home and knit some more. then i took a nap. i worked on my scarf all day. i sewed it in half so its reversible and i didn't have to weave in ends. and tada!! it's finished. i admit its pretty hideous but its like a memory scarf. the green is from my aspen hat the pink is from a cucake hat the turquoise is from hand warmers. you get the idea. its just a cool way of remembering. is it cool though? i think its more warm. i wore it the whole time i made marisol lol.

then i started something more challenging. i felt like everything lately was too mindless. so i found the marisol mouse pattern in my queue on ravelry. which is basically my list of stuff i want to make. marisol looked hard and fun and adorable. i got to work.

i made a few minor adjustments: icord arms and different feet. i like her a lot. i want to re sew her arms on though. and her eyes aren't quite right. my safety eyes were too big so i needle felted. any suggestions on getting her eyes right would be a great help. also i need a name for her. i'm not a fan of marisol. and there are thousands of her out there she needs to be original.

i already have an order for her from my aunt anne. hopefully she still likes it once its knitted so i will be making another very soon.

tomorrow i have a dentist appt and then after i bring jimmy home from camp i am off to lindsays house! we are going to do some hard core knitting/crocheting and then eat delicious joey garlics & make smoothies. sounds fantastic right? be jealous lol.

off to decide what projects to bring over there!

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