Tuesday, August 17, 2010

fun fun day

so today was a nice day :]
i woke up, cleaned up the basement & then i knit up Elijah's ears. I found someone on ravelry that had trouble with them too so did them separate and sewed them on later. So i did the same thing. I think he looks adorable. do you agree??

then i worked on the scarf for ms. Lev & then i went to meet Keri at Starbucks. We got strawberry frappuccinos. nom nom. and i gave her the jellyfish and she gave me the elephant she drew me! loveeeeeee it!

after that i went over to my cousin's and we were going to rollerblade. we went around the block once and i almost died. i am a horrible rollerblader. like HORRIBLE. i think i am going to sell them and get skates. skates are easier. :]

we decided to ditch the blades so i didn't die and get bikes. i love riding bikes.
after we went back we had dinner, rootbeer floats ate pocky and played scrabble. :]
pocky and rootbeer floats- the dessert of champions

so i came back and finished up some stuff. 
for 1 i finished the scarf for ms lev.  

and 2. i sewed up this heart i kept forgetting about and stuffed it.

me and purl cuddled together and i learned last night that she LOVES pirates booty puffed corn. and soooo doooo iiiiii!

i found this picture in my phone from nyc. WEEDS <3 on a bus!

time to go to bed. oh i started watching this new show on netflix. pushing daisies. its rly silly i think i like it. i watched 2 episodes. i will continue the season tmrw. i don't think it was long lived though. night!

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