Sunday, July 4, 2010

parties and packages and work in progresses

yesterday was my grandparent's anniversary party. it was a nice time. my aunt did face painting 

and we handed out silly bandz to all the little kiddies. it was nice to see all the little cousins. i met a lot of people i didn't even know i was related too as well. there was swimming but i just hung around in the heat and knit a while. 

i worked on my felted bowl for mom. i'm going to make her stuff for all holidays to put in the bowl on display. 

mom has been sick the past couple of days so we left the party early. we layed in bed and watched Valentines Day. it was really cute and it had a lot of twists in it. everything you thought would happen didn't except two parts me and  my mom figured out.

i got two packages in the mail yesterday! so excited. i got my 9in size 8 circulars so i could make itty bitty things now. and i got my swap gift from crazy chick which was amazing. she gave me the cutest little lamb stuffed animal and she knit me the prettest lace shawlet, also she send me homemade jams and a candle, some cowtails (how did she know i loved those?) some reading books, and some beautiful yarn which was in the cutest little project bag that i'm already using. i was so happy! 

rob came and got me after work i made him hang out with me while i played with purl since she didn't get played with while i was at the party. i have so much fun making her tunnels in my comforter and trying to figure out where she will go next. she is much more comfortable with me now, she crawls right up my arm to my shoulder its too cute. this week i swear i need to teach her tricks. i wanna start with kisses. i just keep getting too busy to spend the time on it. but this week for sure.

so i went back to robs and i spent the night with him. we watched dogs 101 and i worked on my knitted jelly fish for my swap partner. i finished up the hat i started at toy story 3 when i went with rob. and its pretty cute but the colorway tricked me. it makes me mad this is the second time its happened with this brand. the colors on the outside look gorgeous together and then i start knitting and there is a random color that doesn't match inside it! WHYYYY!!!!???!!!!

i am going to start an elephant today. its going to look rly cute. i'm excited. i also have to do the bottom of my jellyfish as well as the tentacles which might be tricky. i already did the main body of the jellyfish on my new needles.

well i'm going to spend some time with rob and work on my stupid sock that i'm extremely sick of ha ha.

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