Wednesday, July 28, 2010

lazy afternoon

Today at work we made some delish s'mores, i took Griselle on the swing out back and we had a lovely walk to the nearest grocery store. fun times. then i went over to Bayberry & i spent the whole afternoon hanging there working on my caliometry.i just need to find a darning needle small enough to gothrough my button hole!!

Once i finished that- and i refused to get up until i did. (i held my pee for hours ha ha!) and by then it was 5minutes before i had to get jimmy so i rushed to pick him up and we went back so i could buy my happy feet for my yoga socks. I haven't gotten very far because size 3 needles = tedious knitting. I may adjust the pattern a bit to make it a little more mindless. i haven't decided yet but I can't wait to wear them!
i also had jim make me my pom poms. i think the hat looks so much cuter now! thanks to my misknit Klecks for modeling.

betty gave me some new yarn to make a hat for the shop. she made the hat before and the pattern was off so it was super tiny. so she called and they told her to cast on 70 instead of 45. now i think it's going to be too big. i did a couple inches but i'm going to get betty's opinion before i continue. maybe we can tweak the cast on again.

Me and purl hung out a little today. i meant to clean her cage but when i got up to do it- i forgot i need to buy more bedding. POOP! so my room may be a little smelly until tomorrow.

me and my girlie had a little petey scare. she was sitting on my shoulder and petey walked in and stalked over like he was going to pounce. purl was oblivious she kept trying to jump into my bed to run around and i kept picking her back up and hiding her from pete. i finally put her away and kicked him out of my room. she was licking me the whole cuddle session it was rly cute. i love her. p.s. thats her licking me not biting me lol! she loves her cheerios!

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