Today was SUCH a fun day!
I woke up super early & went to webs with Patty, Gena, and Patty's mom Betty. We had so much fun. I bought sooo much yarn! It was crazy! And of course I had to get 10 skeins of boku for Lindsay in the prettiest color ever. the picture doesn't show the purple but it's actually really pretty. i also got some blue skies alpaca and OMG it is so effin soft.i am so making myself a stuffie to sleep with. I can't wait. I also got some nashua which i love so dearly. and Patty being the greatest ever bought me this: at webs. I can not wait to do this! but i have to finish myyyyyy monsters first. because i know once i start iris i will want to do more i already want daphne/deliah and penelope. this is actually how i got the idea for making monsters they are just so darn cute!
so after webs we had lunch at cracker barrel.YUM! i love cracker barrel.
then we went to bayberry to knit a little and talk more. i've been working on my scarf for Kim since the way home from webs. i'm 1/3 of the way done.i would love to finish it tonight or early tmrw. its this amazing cerulean blue cascade yarn and i love it.
So when i got home MAMA WAS HERE! I missed her all week!!! I am going to hang out with her and knit once i finish this post.
I went to see Date Night with my mom tonight. SO FUNNY! I really liked it. I was cracking up! And much to my mother's dismay i knitted during the movie.I GOT THREE ROWS DONE! that doesn't seem like much i know... but listen... i am making this a horizontal scarf... so it it 350 stitches long. practically 5 feet! long/skinny scarfs are trendy and its going to looks really awesome when it's done.I hope kim likes it!
btw the other day i took all the keys of my laptop to clean it and now my space bar clicks weird and so does my shift lol so if things are stucktogether...ahem... or not capitalized pardon me. :]
alright well i better go knit!
btw. this is my 80th post WTF!
bbttww: i bought the wicked cd on itunes because mine was all scratched! I CAN"T WAIt to listENn toiT!
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