Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Entrelac = Love

Yes. Love. I love entrelac. Immensely.
I find it extremely fun & really attention grabbing.
I have already finished my first skein of yarn and it takes two to make so I'm 1/2 way done.

I'm so excited!

Work was fun today, I stayed late this afternoon to listen to the teacher read The Witches. I like that book, I would love to see the movie. Maybe blockbuster or the library has it. 

I sewed the feet and needle felted a face on the double pointed monster chunk. That one is for Twinnie-J. Twinnie-A wants a purple one so I'll do hers tomorrow. 

I'm trying to finish 90% of my scarf before the class and I'm well on my way. I am going to work on the twilight apple pouch
It is for my dev. psych. teacher, I'll work on it during that class. ha ha. 

So tonight is my double date with Katie & the Rob's, I'm excited! I think i'm going to get kahlua ice cream. i love that one. but i may try something new. I'll decide later.

Going to work on more scarf now! I'll post some pictures from today in tomorrow post.

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