Saturday, April 24, 2010

Eggplant fries, Bayberry and Degrassi

Last night me & Rob went to see Dragons in 3-D. It was really good! I liked it a lot. I was so tired on the way home I fell asleep and my phone fell out of my hoodie onto the seat in the truck and I couldn't find it when I got home. Blah. So I couldn't wake up on time to get to Bayberry before they opened. But I got there at 11 and Jim said it had been slow. It was slow most of the afternoon until around 1:30 when Betty and the ladies came back from the Sheep & Wool Festival. Betty gave me a kit to make cabled fingerless gloves and I am so excited to make them! It's a gorgeous brown color. She got a kit for herself too!

I finished knitting up the big version of hungrig while I was at Bayberry, some of my scarf and I got up to the tricky part on my anchor square for the afgan. It was a pretty accomplishing afternoon.

Patty and Gina wanted to get lunch and they invited me so we went to Joey Garlics and OMG so delicious. Last time I went I wasn't crazy about it but I was in heaven. The eggplant fries are amazing and then I had a meatball grinder it was HUGE! my dad wanted to know why i didn't eat any of it and i was like... dad... i ate 1/2. he was like... THATS THE OTHER HALF!?!?! It was that big. THEN we had donut holes. Fresh baked covered in sugar and then dipped in chocolate, strawberry sauce or this creamy white sugary sauce that I loved. It was awesome. Patty is amazing for treating us. 

I finished my entrelac scarf when I got home! I was so happy! I love it. It could have been a whole nother ball but I love it. I can't wait to make another.

I went to ac moore with my mom & Jimmy and got my beads for my patty scarf. I got some gorgeous colored green sock yarn to knit it up in and the beads are a mixture of some fall colors that will look great with my scarf. It's not a warm scarf that you wanna wear on a cold day it's more decorative. and it's actually really heavy too. But I'm really excited to learn how to incorporate beads into knitting.

I also bought some tee shirts at ac moore that I want to put designs on and decorate.

People are getting really interested in my misknits. I am getting a couple orders and I'm so happy!!!!!

I just got finished watching Friday's degrassi that i missed. always too busy on friday to catch it. 

now i'm going to bed. tomorrow me and rob are hanging out and I am going to work on some school stuff. I probably am going to finish out my degree at briarwood and withstand it. Switching schools wold put me behind a lot and it would make a bigger waste of my money spent on this year. oh well. Hopefully i do ALOT better next semester. I want to take some summer courses to lighten my load as well. :]


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