Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So my LOVELY friend Katie wanted me to knit her up some boobies for her rearview mirror. Well. they are completed! Almost. I need to sew them up and stuff them. I just stuffed them with clothes for the picture. So that's what I did during developmental psych tonight!

I had class all day. kill meh! ugh! and then I did some helping out at Bayberry with the amazing Ralph and Rosemary. Ralph does the bayberry blog so it was cool to hang out with them for a while!

Before Dev.Psych. I met the rents at Randy's pizza home of the man v. food challenge!

I think it;s time to do something for me. I am getting so sick of knitting for etsy. UGH!
Well, I'll search my ravelry tonight and then choose some yarn, i'll be at bayberry most of the day tomorrow to help out. Betty & Jim come back Wednesday. I miss them already! But I enjoy R&R's company. :]

Yesterday Jimmy finished his pajama pants for his class in school! They look store bought!

Well I need to get some rest for my busy busy day tomorrow!

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