Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm going to buy an airplane....

I'm going to buy one because now I can fly. I made flying gloves today so I must fly somewhere while wearing them. I need to take more model pictures in them before posting but I'll do it after I type. They were from a book I got at the library, Big City Knits I'm pretty sure is the title. They took all of 15 minutes. not bad. I made them and then wore them out on this nice sunny day. I babysat for the first time this week. I missed my twinnies. We danced to Shake your tail feather, by the cheetah girls and i taught them the funniest dance. Then i went to super stop &shop and bought my weekly snack attack. I got chex, quaker rice cakes, raisins, craisins, some juice (which i left in my desk at school) and pirates booty! YUM! I had my first mid term today. It was at 10:00am. I finished before 11. But my teacher hadn't decided if class would continue after so I sat around until 11:30 for her to decide that class would NOT continue. honestly. i was annoyed. I could have gone home and napped before work! But that's ok. When I did get home my dad took me out to my fave place for pizza! Dominic & Pia's! So delicious. I saw the wiener mobile too! It was silly. So I ate my delicisioso pizza and then went to work. Now I'm at Rob's house while he plays guitar and watches me type this. I have to babysit the boys tonight so that should be an interesting night. Too bad I have to miss Secret Life because of it. :[

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