Friday, May 31, 2013

Twitter Tuesday

Tweets this week:
May 21
Dahlia looks like a real toddler today. Her pony tails are so long these days and she's getting so tall. Can't handle it. She's growing fast
May 22
But on the plus side dahlia came in my bed and cuddled for a full 5 min woo!! I love when she wants to cuddle it rarely happens
Dahlia is talking so much lately it's incredible. Can't believe in less than a month she's going to be a year old.
May 23
Dahlia got all tired out at her play date with Alden & is now asleep. Time to get some knitting in with a little snack :)
I have project start-itis. Starting my 3rd project in 2 days and haven't made a dent in any of them
The second one always comes out better. Now I feel productive. Shower & bed. Starting a pair of socks tomorrow
May 24
Baby is at grandparents and I'm waiting for my chiro appt. then off to see my wonderful boyfriend!! 
May 25
When he asks you if you want coffee and gets you a bagel too <3 breakfast="" span="" yummy="">
May 26
Out to lunch. Dahlias tired and signing all done so ill take her out of her high chair
Got to the heel on my sock!!!!!
May 27
I'm dying a slow death from exhaustion. Dahlia woke up way too early. Was so cranky during the parade and I'm just now having coffee.
Me and dahlia did a 4 mile ride down at the trail. Feel good. I think next time ill start at a further spot and do 6 miles

1 comment:

  1. Her hair is growing so fast! Glad you're happy and doing well.
