Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i've been slacking...

so this week has been so blah! the weather has been terrible all week! i've kinda been slacking on the knitting front. i blame james. he always wants to talk aha just kidding its my fault too cause i've been reading angels and demons all week. but i finally finished it. it was SUCH a great book. props to matt for making me read it. cause its my new favorite book.

i finally finished another sackboy today. this one doesn't make me as happy as the first one. i don't know what i did differently. 

i don't think i ever told you about the baby turtle i made for julia! isn't he cute? he doesn't have feet yet though. the ones i made looked bad so i'm making new ones.

i finished one of my leg warmers from the train ride. and i will be finishing the other shortly. i just have to sew them up after. the picture you can't tell the colors. my camera broke again so i'm using the webcam. the colors are bright yellow and lime green. they're going to be so cute.

i also knitted this little gnome today during public speaking. isn't he cute? i love him! but he needs a name. check out my facebook to help me pick one!

i did my speech tonight on owning a pet rat. i hope i get good feedback. i worked reallly hard on my powerpoint. 

this weekend james is babysitting purl while i am away. i'm so nervous to leave her with someone i've never been without her. i'm sure they'll be fine but i'm going to miss her soooo much. she's like my child. i love her so much.

glee made me cry today. if you don't watch glee you should.

purl started coming out of her cage onto my hand yesterday. it made my day pretty much.

also i recently noticed she has a 7 on her booty. my favorite number!

1 comment:

  1. In no way, shape or form have I been distracting you! Your just a slackerr. =P And don't worry, Purls gonna be juuuuuuust fine. =)
